Configuration of kubectl

The next bash snippets outlines, the installation and configuration to use kubectl to access microk8s in a vagrant box.

Install kubectl

# Install kubectl via snap
sudo snap install kubectl --classic

kubectl configuration

# Create the configuration folder in the home path
mkdir .kube

# get the configuration from the vagrant box
# if the config file already exist, it is needed to merge them
vagrant ssh -c microk8s.config >> ~/.kube/config

# change the server ip to the external ip of the vagrant box or k8s.home
vi ~/.kube/config

Instead of the external IP Address of the vagrant box it is also possible to use the domain k8s.home. Hence, the local DNS must resolve the domain to the IP of the vagrant box. This can be done by modifying the /etc/hosts file or the configuration of the local DNS resolver like Unbound.

Configuration via update script

The provides the following functionality

  • Copy the configuration from the vagrant box, to the current directory
  • Replace the IP with the domain k8s.home
  • set the environment variable KUBECONFIG to the file from the first step
    • the first dot is important; otherwise the environment variable is not set
    • from the current shell, only this configuration file is usable
    • the configuration applies only temporarily to the open shell session
. ./

bash bash-completion

sudo kubectl completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl