Deploy Podinfo
Podinfo is a microservice to demonstrate best practices of running a microservice in a Kubernetes cluster. In this chapter Podinfo is used a deployment unit and deployed with FluxV2 kustomization controller.
- FluxV2 installed in a Kubernetes cluster
- A septate configuration git repository, the repository from the installation section is sufficient
Adding Git repository as flux source
First, the flux configuration repository must be cloned to the local computer.
git clone
git checkout flux-conf
cd flux-conf-playground
In the next step a CRD is created, this is a representing the git repository which should be deployed to Kubernetes cluster.
flux create source git podinfo \
--url= \
--branch=master \
--interval=30s \
--export > ./clusters/green/podinfo-source.yaml
After running this command a CRD is created, and can be pushed to the git repository.
git add -A && git commit -m "Add podinfo GitRepository"
git push
A moment later the git repository should appear as a new CRD and pointing to the GitHub repository of Podinfo
kubectl get --all-namespaces
flux-system podinfo True Fetched revision: master/627d5c4bb67b77185f37e31d734b085019ff2951 51m
flux-system flux-system ssh:// True Fetched revision: flux-conf/70d9f421bb9347101c52dd20580fcbeddd2a218a 65m
Deploy Podinfo via kustomization
Now the Podinfo microservie will be deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. Therefor the flux cli is used to create a kustomization CRD. Pushing the Podinfo kustomization CRD to the git repository, leads to the deployment of the Podinfo microservice.
flux create kustomization podinfo \
--source=podinfo \
--path="./kustomize" \
--prune=true \
--validation=client \
--interval=5m \
--export > ./clusters/green/podinfo-kustomization.yaml
git add -A && git commit -m "Add podinfo Kustomization"
git push
By creating a port-forward it is possible to access Podinfo in a Browser via
kubectl port-forward service/podinfo 8080:9898