Installation Guide
The Kubernetes-Playground is build and tested on Ubuntu 20.04. Hence, the described steps are focusing on Ubuntu. It should be possible to use any Operation system as a host.
Before starting to use this project, make sure that the following software is installed on the system:
- VirtualBox,
- Vagrant,
apt install virtualbox vagrant
Optional - Documentation
To generate a searchable HTML documentation mkdocs
must be installed
on the system
# Install mkdocs
sudo apt install mkdocs
# Install pip
sudo apt install python3-pip
# Make sure latest version is used
pip3 install --upgrade mkdocs
- By the first use of he makefile in the docs folder, plantuml is downloaded
- For some diagrams plantuml depends on graphviz. Hence, it must be installed.
# Install graphviz
sudo apt install graphviz