Documentation Guide

Mkdocs and PlantUML is used to generate the Handbook of this project. It is helpful to install mkdocs to generate a searchable html version of this handbook.

Mkdocs Commands

#  Create a new project.
mkdocs new [dir-name]

# Start the live-reloading docs server.
mkdocs serve

# Build the documentation site.
mkdocs build

# Print this help message.
mkdocs help


  • PlantUML is a tool to create diagrams from plain text
  • files must be placed in the folder docs/diagrams
  • as a suffix for PlantUML files, .plantuml is used
    • this is required for the Makefile, to create image on the local machine
    • and the GitHub Action to build and deploy the GitHub Page of this project
  • The Visual Studio Code plugin, provides code highlighting, code completion and a live preview, ...

Example Diagram

Plantuml example


  • The Makefile to create png or svg images from plain text is in the docs folder
    • it is just needed for local development
  • In the case that plantuml is not in the bin folder of this project, it will be automatically downloaded

Overview Targets

Target Description
all Build png and svg images
png Build png images
svg Build svg images
clean Delete all png and svg images